
Ungroup Missing and Empty collections bug

A Bug in the behaviour of the Ungroup node around Skip Missing / Skip Empty collections when there are multiple collection columns being unsplit

All Work as expected Missing group 0_1 (*really* not expected)from output:| ? | [] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED! Missing groups 0_0 (expected) and 0_1(not expected) from output:| ? | ? | - EXPECTED| ? | [] | - NOT EXPECTED! Missing groups 0_1 (not expected) and1_1 (expected) from output:| ? | [] | - NOT EXPECTED!| [] | [] | - EXPECTED Missing groups 0_0 (expected), 0_1(expected), 0_2 (*really* not expected!),and 1_1 (expected), and 1_2 (*really* notexpected) from output:| ? | ? | - EXPECTED| ? | [] | - EXPECTED| ? | [Foo] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED| [] | [] | - EXPECTED| [] | [Foo] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED! 1 collection1 collectionskip missing1 collectionskip empty1 collectionskip missing & empty2 collectionskip missing2 collectionskip empty2 collectionskip missing & empty2 collectionNode 16 Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Create ExampleTable All Work as expected Missing group 0_1 (*really* not expected)from output:| ? | [] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED! Missing groups 0_0 (expected) and 0_1(not expected) from output:| ? | ? | - EXPECTED| ? | [] | - NOT EXPECTED! Missing groups 0_1 (not expected) and1_1 (expected) from output:| ? | [] | - NOT EXPECTED!| [] | [] | - EXPECTED Missing groups 0_0 (expected), 0_1(expected), 0_2 (*really* not expected!),and 1_1 (expected), and 1_2 (*really* notexpected) from output:| ? | ? | - EXPECTED| ? | [] | - EXPECTED| ? | [Foo] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED| [] | [] | - EXPECTED| [] | [Foo] | - *REALLY* NOT EXPECTED! 1 collection1 collectionskip missing1 collectionskip empty1 collectionskip missing & empty2 collectionskip missing2 collectionskip empty2 collectionskip missing & empty2 collectionNode 16 Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Ungroup Create ExampleTable


