

Level: Medium

Description: As the 2024 European Football Championship (UEFA) unfolds, let's dive into football history with a data challenge. Today you are asked to create a data app that allows users to check, for any timeframe, what the top three teams with the most football victories were. Who are the top three teams of all time? And who were the top three teams in the 1980s?

Level: MediumDescription: As the 2024 European Football Championship (UEFA) unfolds, let's dive into footballhistory with a data challenge. Today you are asked to create a data app that allows users to check, forany timeframe, what the top three teams with the most football victories were. Who are the top threeteams of all time? And who were the top three teams in the 1980s?説明 2024年欧州サッカー選手権(UEFA)が開催される中、データチャレンジでサッカーの歴史に飛び込んでみましょう。今日は、サッカーで最も勝利を収めた上位3チームが何であったかを、ユーザーが任意の時間枠で確認できるデータアプリを作成してください。歴代トップ3のチームは?そして1980年代のトップ3チームは? view Level: MediumDescription: As the 2024 European Football Championship (UEFA) unfolds, let's dive into footballhistory with a data challenge. Today you are asked to create a data app that allows users to check, forany timeframe, what the top three teams with the most football victories were. Who are the top threeteams of all time? And who were the top three teams in the 1980s?説明 2024年欧州サッカー選手権(UEFA)が開催される中、データチャレンジでサッカーの歴史に飛び込んでみましょう。今日は、サッカーで最も勝利を収めた上位3チームが何であったかを、ユーザーが任意の時間枠で確認できるデータアプリを作成してください。歴代トップ3のチームは?そして1980年代のトップ3チームは? view


