

Merge PSMs of all runs for protein inference Append files (but do no merge as ProteinQuantifierneeds to distinguis where IDs came from) Spectrum Files (.mzML)Node 2Node 4Protein Database (.fasta)search engunemapping to proteinsNode 80Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 84Node 98Node 99Node 101Node 102Node 103Input Files ZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd Input File XTandemAdapter PeptideIndexer IDMerger ProteinInference FalseDiscoveryRate MzTabExporter MzTabReader ProteinQuantifier IDMerger URI Port toVariable CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) Merge PSMs of all runs for protein inference Append files (but do no merge as ProteinQuantifierneeds to distinguis where IDs came from) Spectrum Files (.mzML)Node 2Node 4Protein Database (.fasta)search engunemapping to proteinsNode 80Node 81Node 82Node 83Node 84Node 98Node 99Node 101Node 102Node 103Input Files ZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd Input File XTandemAdapter PeptideIndexer IDMerger ProteinInference FalseDiscoveryRate MzTabExporter MzTabReader ProteinQuantifier IDMerger URI Port toVariable CSV Reader String to Path(Variable)


