


Challenge 23: Testing Your Work
Level: Medium

Description: You and your team are working on a lexicon-based sentiment snalysis application, and created a component that encapsulates the calculation of sentiment scores. This component will be re-used in many workflows, so it is important to make sure that it is behaving correctly. A principled way of accomplishing this is through automated unit testing. Given a sample of the data this component receives as input (input golden data), and a small table with the corresponding expected outputs (output golden data), your goal is to create a workflow that automatically tests this component (testflow). Note: Read more about how to perform testing in KNIME here. Note 2: Read more about lexicon-based sentiment analysis here.

Author: Aline Bessa

Dataset: Sentiment scores component, input golden data and output golden data in the KNIME Hub

Input and workflow template output template Test Test InputOutput templateNode 4Node 8Node 10Node 11InputNode 15Node 16display error messagesInt to DoubleThis process producesan ountput with different data type of number from the golden output data.InputNode 29display error messagesNode 31Node 32Node 33Table Reader Table Reader Calculate Scores Workflow Executor Table DifferenceChecker CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End Table Reader Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Component String Manipulation(Multi Column) Table Reader Table DifferenceChecker Component Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Workflow Executor Input and workflow template output template Test Test InputOutput templateNode 4Node 8Node 10Node 11InputNode 15Node 16display error messagesInt to DoubleThis process producesan ountput with different data type of number from the golden output data.InputNode 29display error messagesNode 31Node 32Node 33Table Reader Table Reader Calculate Scores Workflow Executor Table DifferenceChecker CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End Table Reader Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Component String Manipulation(Multi Column) Table Reader Table DifferenceChecker Component Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Workflow Executor


