
Lookup Bank Synonyms

Building a lookup table for synonyms for joining

Building a lookup table for synonyms for joining

Create Sample Dataset Sample Data(paste in and edit list)Sample Data(paste in and edit list)join on synonymtidy column ordercreate sample bank recordsCreate sample bank synonyms tableBank synonyms tableList of bank recordsbuild tableItems for which nomatch was found.If there are any here, manually add them to synonym listand re-execute all nodesstandardize synonyms DelimitedText Reader DelimitedText Reader Joiner Column Resorter CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Reader CSV Reader Generate LookupTable from Synonyms Table View String Cleaner Create Sample Dataset Sample Data(paste in and edit list)Sample Data(paste in and edit list)join on synonymtidy column ordercreate sample bank recordsCreate sample bank synonyms tableBank synonyms tableList of bank recordsbuild tableItems for which nomatch was found.If there are any here, manually add them to synonym listand re-execute all nodesstandardize synonyms DelimitedText Reader DelimitedText Reader Joiner Column Resorter CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Reader CSV Reader Generate LookupTable from Synonyms Table View String Cleaner


