
Read Excel Comments

Demo for Excel Comment Reader

Demonstration workflow (requires KNIME 4.7)
for reading cell comments from an excel spreadsheet

demo sheetin workflow data foldersee flow variables tabas this sets variables for:file location sheet namexlsx path as stringso it can be used as a parameterto a componentread the commentsfile location andsheet nameset from variables in configexecute for quickaccess to workflow data folderExcel Reader Path to String(Variable) Excel CommentReader Open File or Folder demo sheetin workflow data foldersee flow variables tabas this sets variables for:file location sheet namexlsx path as stringso it can be used as a parameterto a componentread the commentsfile location andsheet nameset from variables in configexecute for quickaccess to workflow data folderExcel Reader Path to String(Variable) Excel CommentReader Open File or Folder


