

Challenge 39: Legislative Limits on TeachingDescription: In this challenge you will play the role of educational journalist investigating “educational gag orders”. These are defined as “statelegislative efforts to restrict teaching about topics such as race, gender, American history, and LGBTQ+ identities in K–12 and higher education.”This data needs to be copied inside your own Google Sheets under the email account which you will use for the Google Authentication node. Inthe Google Sheets Reader node select the sheet, "All Legislation Introduced Since Jan 2021" to create a workflow that examines which stateshave the most gag orders and which topics are most discussed most overall. All Legislation Introduced Since Jan 2021groupby statetop 5Node 30Node 31 Excel Reader GroupBy Top k Selector Results Institutions Topics Challenge 39: Legislative Limits on TeachingDescription: In this challenge you will play the role of educational journalist investigating “educational gag orders”. These are defined as “statelegislative efforts to restrict teaching about topics such as race, gender, American history, and LGBTQ+ identities in K–12 and higher education.”This data needs to be copied inside your own Google Sheets under the email account which you will use for the Google Authentication node. Inthe Google Sheets Reader node select the sheet, "All Legislation Introduced Since Jan 2021" to create a workflow that examines which stateshave the most gag orders and which topics are most discussed most overall. All Legislation Introduced Since Jan 2021groupby statetop 5Node 30Node 31 Excel Reader GroupBy Top k Selector Results Institutions Topics


