
MS-141 MIX Charts v05

[Market Simulation] MS-141 MIX Charts (Tuning the Market)
Market Simulation (MS-141) - MIX Charts (pronounced "My X-Chart")Much less data is required to tune a Market Simulation than might beexpected. This workflow shows how the Mean and Correlation of the Productsin a Willingness To Pay (WTP) Matrix can be found with only two MarketObservations. The set of all Mean_B andCorrelation_AB variables that wouldexplain Market Observation #0. The set of all Mean_B andCorrelation_AB variables that wouldexplain Market Observation #1. The intersection between theObservation #0 and Observation #1curves identify the actual variables thatdescribe the Market. The intersectioncan be seen in the Excel spreadsheet.MIX ChartProduct A + BMarket ObservationsMIX ChartVariablesMean_BSD_BCorrelation_ABFrom DistributionProduct_ATo DistributionProduct_BCorrelationSelect NextCorrelation_ABCorrelation ABMatrixProduct AProduct BWTP MatrixSimulateMarket ABProduct BPredictionsSelect NextMean_BSD_BSort ByQuantity ErrorSelect BestQuantity Error(most likely Mean & SDfor the given Correlation)TrackCorrelation_ABSelect NextCorrelation_ABSelect NextMarket ObservationProduct AProduct BIteration_MeanIteration_MeanSelect NextMarket ObservationIteration_MeanObservation 0Observation 1Observation #0Mean vs CorrelationObservation #1Mean vs CorrelationFind Rows with MinimalQuantity ErrorBest FitMean vs CorrelationMS-141 MIX ChartsObservation #1MS-141 MIX ChartsObservation #0Correlation_ABFlow VariableSelect NextMean_BSD_BMean_BSD_BMIX ChartProduct BFlow Variables Table Creator Table Creator CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Column Rename Chunk Loop Start CorrelationPairs To Matrix MatrixDistributions Simulate Market Row Splitter Loop End Sorter Row Filter ConstantValue Column Loop End Group Loop Start Row Filter Column Rename Column Rename Loop End Column Rename Row Splitter Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) GroupBy Joiner Excel Writer Excel Writer Table Rowto Variable Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Appender Table Rowto Variable Market Simulation (MS-141) - MIX Charts (pronounced "My X-Chart")Much less data is required to tune a Market Simulation than might beexpected. This workflow shows how the Mean and Correlation of the Productsin a Willingness To Pay (WTP) Matrix can be found with only two MarketObservations. The set of all Mean_B andCorrelation_AB variables that wouldexplain Market Observation #0. The set of all Mean_B andCorrelation_AB variables that wouldexplain Market Observation #1. The intersection between theObservation #0 and Observation #1curves identify the actual variables thatdescribe the Market. The intersectioncan be seen in the Excel spreadsheet.MIX ChartProduct A + BMarket ObservationsMIX ChartVariablesMean_BSD_BCorrelation_ABFrom DistributionProduct_ATo DistributionProduct_BCorrelationSelect NextCorrelation_ABCorrelation ABMatrixProduct AProduct BWTP MatrixSimulateMarket ABProduct BPredictionsSelect NextMean_BSD_BSort ByQuantity ErrorSelect BestQuantity Error(most likely Mean & SDfor the given Correlation)TrackCorrelation_ABSelect NextCorrelation_ABSelect NextMarket ObservationProduct AProduct BIteration_MeanIteration_MeanSelect NextMarket ObservationIteration_MeanObservation 0Observation 1Observation #0Mean vs CorrelationObservation #1Mean vs CorrelationFind Rows with MinimalQuantity ErrorBest FitMean vs CorrelationMS-141 MIX ChartsObservation #1MS-141 MIX ChartsObservation #0Correlation_ABFlow VariableSelect NextMean_BSD_BMean_BSD_BMIX ChartProduct BFlow VariablesTable Creator Table Creator CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Column Rename Chunk Loop Start CorrelationPairs To Matrix MatrixDistributions Simulate Market Row Splitter Loop End Sorter Row Filter ConstantValue Column Loop End Group Loop Start Row Filter Column Rename Column Rename Loop End Column Rename Row Splitter Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) Scatter Plot(JFreeChart) GroupBy Joiner Excel Writer Excel Writer Table Rowto Variable Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Appender Table Rowto Variable


