
Protein descriptors

Calculates protein descriptors based on protein structure and sequence (Protein descriptors) or based on protein sequence only (Sequence Descriptors).

Protein structure in .mae file format for structure and sequence based descriptors
Protein sequence in .fasta file format for only sequence based descriptors.

- List of the calculated descriptors

Protein descriptors:Calculates protein descriptors based on protein structure and sequence (Protein descriptors) or based on protein sequence only(Sequence Descriptors).Input(s): Protein structure in .mae file format for structure and sequence based descriptors or Protein sequence in .fasta file format for onlysequence based descriptors.Output(s):List of the calculated descriptorscalc_protein_descriptors.py Script options Script optionscalc_sequence_descriptors.pySequence descriptors-FROM psp All properties Properties only Name at topName remove duplicatename entry %file% process structures-treat disulfides-delete watersProtein descriptors-FROM pspProperties only remove duplicatename entry Name at topNameAll properties %file% Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer Get Help ChemistryExternal Tool Excel_to_fasta Excel Reader (XLS)(deprecated) Table Viewer Transpose Column Filter Column Resorter RowID Postprocessing Column Filter CSV Writer Get PDB Molecule-to-MAE Protein PreparationWizard ChemistryExternal Tool Column Filter Postprocessing Column Filter Column Resorter RowID Table Viewer CSV Writer Transpose Protein descriptors:Calculates protein descriptors based on protein structure and sequence (Protein descriptors) or based on protein sequence only(Sequence Descriptors).Input(s): Protein structure in .mae file format for structure and sequence based descriptors or Protein sequence in .fasta file format for onlysequence based descriptors.Output(s):List of the calculated descriptorscalc_protein_descriptors.py Script options Script optionscalc_sequence_descriptors.pySequence descriptors-FROM psp All properties Properties only Name at topName remove duplicatename entry %file% process structures-treat disulfides-delete watersProtein descriptors-FROM pspProperties only remove duplicatename entry Name at topNameAll properties %file% Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer Get Help ChemistryExternal Tool Excel_to_fasta Excel Reader (XLS)(deprecated) Table Viewer Transpose Column Filter Column Resorter RowID Postprocessing Column Filter CSV Writer Get PDB Molecule-to-MAE Protein PreparationWizard ChemistryExternal Tool Column Filter Postprocessing Column Filter Column Resorter RowID Table Viewer CSV Writer Transpose


