
Flipping Coins

The workflow uses a Python script to simulate the flipping of 2 coins 100 times and then, calculates the probability of the number of heads showing the same in the form of a histogram.

The Python script is available at this locationhttps://github.com/nilotpalc/Udemy_Projects/blob/364c47ec7c61332a01f2942ddc772c3ffe21863b/Flipping%20Coins.ipynb Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 5Node 6Node 9Node 10 Python Script Column Expressions Create CollectionColumn Collectionto String String Manipulation Histogram (local) Domain Calculator The Python script is available at this locationhttps://github.com/nilotpalc/Udemy_Projects/blob/364c47ec7c61332a01f2942ddc772c3ffe21863b/Flipping%20Coins.ipynb Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 5Node 6Node 9Node 10 Python Script Column Expressions Create CollectionColumn Collectionto String String Manipulation Histogram (local) Domain Calculator


