

Date: 12/1/2021Fatma Ozdemir ProjectV3: has output of group sizeUpdate 21/01/21Added robustrankedaggreagatorMade all the output files in anexternal folderGeNetKEGG_resultsNamed all the output files withthe tool name GeNetKEGG_* 5/1/2021 , v1 : keep all the intermediatefiles #itrNode 468remove 5.0Node 474Node 475Node 476Node 477Node 478 Integer Input PriPath Row Filter Excel Writer List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Reader Date: 12/1/2021Fatma Ozdemir ProjectV3: has output of group sizeUpdate 21/01/21Added robustrankedaggreagatorMade all the output files in anexternal folderGeNetKEGG_resultsNamed all the output files withthe tool name GeNetKEGG_* 5/1/2021 , v1 : keep all the intermediatefiles #itrNode 468remove 5.0Node 474Node 475Node 476Node 477Node 478Integer Input PriPath Row Filter Excel Writer List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Table Reader


