
Just KNIME It! Round 5

Earth Day just passed and we need to raise awareness for air quality and water pollution. In this context, you decide to explore a 2020 dataset in which users voted about air quality and water pollution for a number of different cities. The scale for air quality goes from 0 (bad quality) to 100 (top quality), and the scale for water pollution also goes from 0 (no pollution) to 100 (extreme pollution). Your task is to rank and visualize the top 10 countries twice with different criteria: first, based on how bad the air quality is; and second, based on how polluted the water is.

URL: Air Quality and Water Pollution Data in the KNIME Hub https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%202%20-%20Datasets/Challenge%2005%20-%20Dataset~gPCLlJqj23RK8c2A/


