
Just KNIME It!

This directory contains 8 workflows.

IconJust KNIME It! Round 2 

Just-KNIME-It Internal Challenge 2024 TAGS: JKIKN

IconJust KNIME It! Round 3 

URL: Daily Prices in the KNIME Hub https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%204%20-%20Dataset~X8vqcbhabggq6AtD/

IconJust KNIME It! Round 4 

URL: Trinity Study https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_study URL: Icon by Eucalyp on FlatIcon.com https://www.flaticon.com/authors/eucalyp

IconJust KNIME It! Round 5 

URL: Air Quality and Water Pollution Data in the KNIME Hub […]

IconJust KNIME It! Round 6 

URL: Dataset: Exchange Rates Data on KNIME Community Hub […]

IconJust KNIME It! Round 7 

Your team created a summary of the total amount spent last year on each project. The data looks like the following: Year Area Project exp […]

IconReplacement Leaderboard 

<h3>Use Hub Search API</h3><p><em>Workflows with tag JKIKN</em></p>