You work for a hospital and they have data for each time a patient was seen. In this challenge, you will calculate the difference between each time a patient was seen excluding weekends (called "network days"). Once you calculate the network days, calculate the average network days per patient. For the challenge, experiment with the input and output below.
Patient Date
Aline 11/01/2022
Aline 12/02/2022
Aline 25/02/2022
Aline 15/04/2022
Victor 05/02/2022
Victor 25/02/2022
Victor 15/03/2022
Victor 30/03/2022
Patient Date Network Days Mean
Aline 11/01/2022 ? 23.333
Aline 12/02/2022 24 23.333
Aline 25/02/2022 10 23.333
Aline 15/04/2022 36 23.333
Victor 05/02/2022 ? 13.333
Victor 25/02/2022 15 13.333
Victor 15/03/2022 13 13.333
Victor 30/03/2022 12 13.333
Note: if you simply use the Date&Time Difference node, you will mix patient data/dates and will also end up counting weekends. Bonus Challenge: Create a solution without using loops.
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