
Just KNIME It!

This directory contains 68 workflows.

IconChallenge 1 - Comparing exchange rates 

You are doing research on trading and different currencies and one of your tasks is to compare the daily exchange rates of US dollar vs 8 other currencies […]

IconChallenge 10 - Calculate YTD and MTD values 

Restaurant Yummy records its sales values on a daily basis. The data contains two columns: "Date" and "Sales". Year-to-Date (YTD) Sales and Month-to-Date […]

IconChallenge 11 - Ask Me Anything with GPT-3 

Language models have become extremely popular, and can be efficiently incorporated into your projects through an API. You can interact with an API by […]

IconChallenge 12 - Blur the Image 

Level: Easy Level: Easy Description: You are contacted by the police department and asked for some help. They need to provide the press with an image of […]

IconChallenge 13 - Understanding Crime and Real Estate Connections 

Level: Medium Description: You ara a data scientist working for a real estate company, and heard a rumour that the "average number of rooms per dwelling" […]

IconChallenge 14 - LGBTQIA+ Rights throughout the World 

Level: Medium Description: The goal of this challenge is to create an interactive dashboard to rank countries according to their covered LGBTQIA+ rights. […]

IconChallenge 15 - Create a dashboard to update actuarial information 

Level: Medium Description: You are a freelance data scientist and are asked to help an actuarial agency. To compute premiums for life insurances, actuaries […]

IconChallenge 16 - The Cost of Undergraduate Studies in the US 

Level: Easy Description: You are a senior student in a US high school, and you are going to apply for college soon. The costs of undergraduate studies in […]

IconChallenge 17 - Better Workflows with Error Handling and Logging 

Level: Hard Description: The goal of this challenge is to remind you of the importance of building robust solutions with error handling and logging. These […]