

EvaluateIn case you don't want to have a dedicated evaluation workflow, you can use this workflow instelad. However, please make sure that theSCORE workflow will send a table containing the evaluation value in the first row and column, or adapt this workflow. Input: The input of the node contain all parameters as provided in the Modelling_Definiton and the path to the scored data as provided bythe score workflow ("filePath")Output: A variable calles "value" containing the value of the evaluation. Framework. (Connection to Model Factory) Output to Model Factory Custom (Your custom nodes for this step) Datafirst row onlyfirst column onlyrename first column to value JSON Input JSON Output JSON to Table Table Rowto Variable Table Reader Table to JSON Row Filter Column Filter Column Rename(Regex) EvaluateIn case you don't want to have a dedicated evaluation workflow, you can use this workflow instelad. However, please make sure that theSCORE workflow will send a table containing the evaluation value in the first row and column, or adapt this workflow. Input: The input of the node contain all parameters as provided in the Modelling_Definiton and the path to the scored data as provided bythe score workflow ("filePath")Output: A variable calles "value" containing the value of the evaluation. Framework. (Connection to Model Factory) Output to Model Factory Custom (Your custom nodes for this step) Datafirst row onlyfirst column onlyrename first column to valueJSON Input JSON Output JSON to Table Table Rowto Variable Table Reader Table to JSON Row Filter Column Filter Column Rename(Regex)


