

Providing an Interactive Data App with KNIME and Snowflake
Providing an Interactive Data App with KNIME and SnowflakeThis workflow is an example of how to turn Snowflake data into an interactive Data App that can be consumed by businessusers with any web browser.Example data provided from kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/becksddf/churn-in-telecoms-dataset 4. Interactive Data App. The Churn Visualizationcomponent defines whichviews and interactivity isavailable in the interactiveData App. 1. Selection.Selects the database table that contains theinformation that should be exposed asinteractive Data App.If you haven't executed the03_Snowflake_Model_Deployment workflowbefore you can use the upper branch to createthe "prediction_result" table in Snowflake. 2. PreparationThe data preparation is done in Snowflaketo utilize its processing power. Select existingtableprediction resultComputetotal minutesBin total minutes, Intl callsand messagesCreate db table with data Change connectioninformation to your Snowflake accountDB Table Selector Table Reader DB Query DB Numeric-Binner DB Writer Snowflake Connector Churn Data App Providing an Interactive Data App with KNIME and SnowflakeThis workflow is an example of how to turn Snowflake data into an interactive Data App that can be consumed by businessusers with any web browser.Example data provided from kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/becksddf/churn-in-telecoms-dataset 4. Interactive Data App. The Churn Visualizationcomponent defines whichviews and interactivity isavailable in the interactiveData App. 1. Selection.Selects the database table that contains theinformation that should be exposed asinteractive Data App.If you haven't executed the03_Snowflake_Model_Deployment workflowbefore you can use the upper branch to createthe "prediction_result" table in Snowflake. 2. PreparationThe data preparation is done in Snowflaketo utilize its processing power. Select existingtableprediction resultComputetotal minutesBin total minutes, Intl callsand messagesCreate db table with dataChange connectioninformation to your Snowflake accountDB Table Selector Table Reader DB Query DB Numeric-Binner DB Writer Snowflake Connector Churn Data App


