

Azure sentiment analysis with Twitter.
Azure sentiment analysis with Twitter.This workflow uses KNIME's Twitter nodes to perform a Twitter searchand submit this to Azure Cognitive Services API via the POST Requestnode.To use this with your own Twitter and Azure account you need to addyour credentials to the Twitter API connector and modify the POSTrequest node with;1. Your Azure Cognitive Services End Point URL.2. Add your API key to the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header underthe request header tab. Extract 100 Tweets from Twitter- Extract Tweets based on the defined Twitter search- Wrap the Tweets into the correct JSON format for submitting Submit to Azure Cognitive Services- Submit to Tweets to Azure - Convert the API response from JSON to structured table format Present the Data- Sort the data and rount the sentiment score to twodecimal places- Assign a color based on sentiment- Present the data in a JavaScript Table View Convert to JSONWrap array withconstant valueAdd "documents"columnSelect Tweet ID andSentiment ScoreConvert to TableRemove Uncessary ColumnsTwitter search selecting 100 recent tweetsRename columns as per Azure APISort based on sentiment scoreAssign color to sentimentTwitter API KeySubmit to Azure Cognitive ServicesJoin Tweet and Sentiment Table to JSON JSON Row Combiner ConstantValue Column JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter Twitter Search Column Rename Sorter Table View Color Manager Round Double Twitter APIConnector POST Request Joiner Azure sentiment analysis with Twitter.This workflow uses KNIME's Twitter nodes to perform a Twitter searchand submit this to Azure Cognitive Services API via the POST Requestnode.To use this with your own Twitter and Azure account you need to addyour credentials to the Twitter API connector and modify the POSTrequest node with;1. Your Azure Cognitive Services End Point URL.2. Add your API key to the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header underthe request header tab. Extract 100 Tweets from Twitter- Extract Tweets based on the defined Twitter search- Wrap the Tweets into the correct JSON format for submitting Submit to Azure Cognitive Services- Submit to Tweets to Azure - Convert the API response from JSON to structured table format Present the Data- Sort the data and rount the sentiment score to twodecimal places- Assign a color based on sentiment- Present the data in a JavaScript Table View Convert to JSONWrap array withconstant valueAdd "documents"columnSelect Tweet ID andSentiment ScoreConvert to TableRemove Uncessary ColumnsTwitter search selecting 100 recent tweetsRename columns as per Azure APISort based on sentiment scoreAssign color to sentimentTwitter API KeySubmit to Azure Cognitive ServicesJoin Tweet and Sentiment Table to JSON JSON Row Combiner ConstantValue Column JSON Path Ungroup Column Filter Twitter Search Column Rename Sorter Table View Color Manager Round Double Twitter APIConnector POST Request Joiner


