

OSM Tracks and Routes

This workflows demonstrates the visualisation of gps-tracks and -routes on top of the Open Street Map (www.openstreetmap.org).

Parses the gps data from a gpx-file (a commonly used openformat to exchange gps data) andreturns the coordinates (lat/lon) ofeach track-point and the name ofthe track they belong to. Puts all row ids ofthe coordinates (i.e.rows) that belong tothe same track intoa collection cell(required by theOSM Views). Adopts the color and linethickness for tracks. Visualisation of the tracks either in a node view orgenerated as an image. Tracks can either bevisualized as polygons or as filled areas (assumingthat they are closed). Consider making the mapmarkers invisible (View -> Map markers visible) tobetter see the tracks. OSM Tracks and Routes This workflows demonstrates the visualisation of gps-tracks and -routes on top of the Open Street Map (www.openstreetmap.org) as polygon Parse GPX file OSM Map View Track Appearance OSM Map to Image Group Parses the gps data from a gpx-file (a commonly used openformat to exchange gps data) andreturns the coordinates (lat/lon) ofeach track-point and the name ofthe track they belong to. Puts all row ids ofthe coordinates (i.e.rows) that belong tothe same track intoa collection cell(required by theOSM Views). Adopts the color and linethickness for tracks. Visualisation of the tracks either in a node view orgenerated as an image. Tracks can either bevisualized as polygons or as filled areas (assumingthat they are closed). Consider making the mapmarkers invisible (View -> Map markers visible) tobetter see the tracks. OSM Tracks and Routes This workflows demonstrates the visualisation of gps-tracks and -routes on top of the Open Street Map (www.openstreetmap.org) as polygon Parse GPX file OSM Map View Track Appearance OSM Map to Image Group


