

Apache Logfile Analytics
This workflow reads an Apache log file and generates some basic statistics such as top countries by bandwidth / hits, hits and visits per day, etc. Extract countryfrom IPGroup by countrySort by hitsInclude only thefirst 10 rowsTop countriesKeep onlycountry of interestConvert byteto megabyteGroup by day ofmonth and monthKeep only/robots.txtKeep only success-full requestsGroup byweekdaySort byweekdayReconfigure thisnode to read from your own apache log fileGroup by day ofmonth and monthExtract month,day of monthand weekday Country Extractor GroupBy Sorter Row Filter RowID Line Plot Row Filter Byte Converter GroupBy RowID Line Plot Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy Column Rename Sorter RowID Line Plot Web Log Reader GroupBy Extract Date&TimeFields This workflow reads an Apache log file and generates some basic statistics such as top countries by bandwidth / hits, hits and visits per day, etc. Extract countryfrom IPGroup by countrySort by hitsInclude only thefirst 10 rowsTop countriesKeep onlycountry of interestConvert byteto megabyteGroup by day ofmonth and monthKeep only/robots.txtKeep only success-full requestsGroup byweekdaySort byweekdayReconfigure thisnode to read from your own apache log fileGroup by day ofmonth and monthExtract month,day of monthand weekday Country Extractor GroupBy Sorter Row Filter RowID Line Plot Row Filter Byte Converter GroupBy RowID Line Plot Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy Column Rename Sorter RowID Line Plot Web Log Reader GroupBy Extract Date&TimeFields


