

Public Google Sheet meets Excel Sheet.

Accounting Sheets for a Restaurant Business. In 2016 an Excel File was used. In 2017 a Google Sheet was used. Now we want to compare the monthly and YTD revenues for both years. Will Excel Sheets and Google Sheets blend? Excel sheet is accessed via an Excel Reader node; Google sheet via a REST Google API. The Google Sheet can be public (no authorization required) or private (OAuth2 authorization required). This workflow demonstrates an example of access to a public document.

2016 Restaurant Transactions 2017 Restaurant Transactions Semi-automatic way to build a REST query Public Google Sheet meets Excel SheetAccounting Sheets for a Restaurant Business. In 2016 an Excel File was used. In 2017 a Google Sheet was used. Now we want to compare the monthly and YTD revenuesfor both years. Will Excel Sheets and Google Sheets blend? Excel sheet is accessed via an Excel Reader node; Google sheet via a REST Google API.The Google Sheet can be public (no authorization required) or private (OAuth2 authorization required). This workflow demonstrates an example of access to a publicdocument.Blog post available at https://www.knime.org/blog/GoogleSheet-meets-Excel ... yes, they blend! To visualize ACCESS PUBLIC DOCUMENT with API Key calculate YTD valuesPublic Accessto Google Sheetwith 2017 dataextract DATE_TIME,TABLE and SUMcolumnscalculate revenuesfor each monthcalculate YTD valuesYTD Revenues2017 vs. 2016Monthly Revenues2017 vs. 2016join aggregated2016 and 2017datacalculate revenuesfor each monthintroduce colors for monthly andYTD revenuesInsert Spreadsheet ID, API Key and Range of the data cells to extract2016 data Moving Aggregation GET Request JSON Processing Total Sum by Month Moving Aggregation Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Join + MissingValues Total Sum by Month Colors GET Request Wizard(Public Access) Excel Reader (XLS) 2016 Restaurant Transactions 2017 Restaurant Transactions Semi-automatic way to build a REST query Public Google Sheet meets Excel SheetAccounting Sheets for a Restaurant Business. In 2016 an Excel File was used. In 2017 a Google Sheet was used. Now we want to compare the monthly and YTD revenuesfor both years. Will Excel Sheets and Google Sheets blend? Excel sheet is accessed via an Excel Reader node; Google sheet via a REST Google API.The Google Sheet can be public (no authorization required) or private (OAuth2 authorization required). This workflow demonstrates an example of access to a publicdocument.Blog post available at https://www.knime.org/blog/GoogleSheet-meets-Excel ... yes, they blend! To visualize ACCESS PUBLIC DOCUMENT with API Key calculate YTD valuesPublic Accessto Google Sheetwith 2017 dataextract DATE_TIME,TABLE and SUMcolumnscalculate revenuesfor each monthcalculate YTD valuesYTD Revenues2017 vs. 2016Monthly Revenues2017 vs. 2016join aggregated2016 and 2017datacalculate revenuesfor each monthintroduce colors for monthly andYTD revenuesInsert Spreadsheet ID, API Key and Range of the data cells to extract2016 data Moving Aggregation GET Request JSON Processing Total Sum by Month Moving Aggregation Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Join + MissingValues Total Sum by Month Colors GET Request Wizard(Public Access) Excel Reader (XLS)


