This directory contains 20 workflows.
World Health Organisation - Data API using the new REST nodes The World Health Organisation (WHO) provides a wide range of data on health related topics. […]
Will they blend? IBM Watson News - Google News via REST API The challenge here is to blend together news headlines from IBM Watson News and Google […]
This workflow accesses a few YouTube services through the Google YouTube REST API. -"search" to retrieve videos according to selected keywords (use + to […]
Will They Blend? Amazon S3 meets MS Blob Storage plus Excel The challenge here is to blend S3 formatted data from the Amazon Cloud with Blob Storage […]
Accounting Sheets for a Restaurant Business. In 2016 an Excel File was used. In 2017 a Google Sheet was used. Now we want to compare the monthly and YTD […]
Accounting Sheets for a Restaurant Business. In 2016 an Excel File was used. In 2017 a Google Sheet was used. Now we want to compare the monthly and YTD […]
This workflow blends data from two popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools: SugarCRM and Salesforce. This is done by using the REST APIs of […]
Translate using Google API Example workflow using Google Translate API to translate text from one language to another. You need a Google API Key […]
List Images from a Wikipedia Article using Webpage Retriever This example workflow shows how the Webpage Retriever node can be used to create a list of […]
The workflow begins by scraping the top 10 questions from StackOverflow with the Get Request node. These questions are cleaned and prepared for input to one […]
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