Progress Tracker View

This component generates a view to showcase the progress of a process for which the steps are pre-determined. For example, imagine the delivery of a parcel where the different steps from warehouse to destination are known.

A horizontal progress bar and circular nodes for each “step” in the process are rendered in the composite view. The active step in the process is denoted by an open circle, while already completed and future steps are closed. The colors of the base progress bar and the completed steps can be configured in the dialogue settings.

By entering an ID number corresponding to a specific subject in a process (ex: Order ID, Customer ID, Case ID, Patient ID, etc.), the user can visually interpret how many steps the process is, track how far along the subject is, and see the names and dates of each step in the journey.

The view can be used to inspect data in a local workflow or in a data app deployed online and accessible by anyone via web browser. The second option allows the user of the data app to drill down into the progress of a given subject undergoing a sequence of pre-determined steps from any device.

DISCLAIMER: The component does not show any progress for processes with more than 10 steps.


Activate List of IDs in View
Check this box to see a list of available IDs next to the search bar.
Select Step Names Column:
Select a categorical column (String type) with the names of the nodes in the flowchart which describe the user journey in the data app. The order of the rows is used to build the sequence of steps.
Select Date/Time Column:
Select a categorical column (Date or Date & Time type) with the dates of the stations in the progress tracker. The order of the dates is used to build the sequence of stations.
Select ID Column:
Select a categorical column (String type) with the IDs (ex: order number) of the stations in the progress tracker. The ID is used to query the unique order's progress data
Select Status Column:
Select a categorical column (Boolean type) with the status of the station being reached or not. This is used to tell the progress bar active coloration where to stop and to find the active station.
Text Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Text Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Background Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Text Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Flowchart Main Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the text. If the other setting "Flowchart Main Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Flowchart Activation Predefined Color:
Select from the dropdown a predefined color for the Flowchart Activation. If the other setting "Flowchart Activation Custom Color (HEX Code)" is provided, select "custom color".
Background Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom background color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Background Predefined Color".
Text Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom text color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Text Predefined Color".
Flowchart Main Custom Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom flowchart main color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Flowchart Main Predefined Color".
Flowchart Activation Color (HEX Code):
HEX color code for custom Flowchart Activation color. For example you could input: "#3E3A39". If empty the adopted color should be taken from the other component setting "Flowchart Activation Predefined Color".

Input Ports

A KNIME Table where each row represents a step in a process for a given subject. Four Columns of data are necessary to describe each step: an “ID” column (String) to uniquely identify the subject; a “Step Name” column (String) to describe the name of the step; a “Status” column (Boolean) to denote whether or not this step has been completed; a “Date/Time” column (Date or Date & Time) to describe when the step occurred. These values may be missing for rows with “false” status.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


