
VI - NewsSource

Solution of the 6th JUST KNIME IT Challenge

Points to remember:Visualization might have been picked after KNIME existingsolution Problem Statement:A research group is running a study to understand how news consumption has changed lately. They run a survey on 3,000 people, asking where they usuallyread their news. Participants can indicate up to three options among “Social Media”, “Online Newspapers”, “Printed Newspapers”, and “Radio or Television”,recorded with a numeric code in a CSV file. The respective descriptive names are provided in a small table. Your task is (1) to replace the codes in the surveydata with their corresponding descriptive names, and (2) to create an interactive dashboard that shows how many times each option has been selected. Thedashboard should allow users to filter for the options they are interested in. Note: Feel free to use this challenge as an opportunity to explore differentvisualization nodes! My Learning:Nodes: Cell Replacer, Multiple Selection Widget Node 26Node 27 Dashboard Read Input Data Finding #Respondentsacross each NewsType Points to remember:Visualization might have been picked after KNIME existingsolution Problem Statement:A research group is running a study to understand how news consumption has changed lately. They run a survey on 3,000 people, asking where they usuallyread their news. Participants can indicate up to three options among “Social Media”, “Online Newspapers”, “Printed Newspapers”, and “Radio or Television”,recorded with a numeric code in a CSV file. The respective descriptive names are provided in a small table. Your task is (1) to replace the codes in the surveydata with their corresponding descriptive names, and (2) to create an interactive dashboard that shows how many times each option has been selected. Thedashboard should allow users to filter for the options they are interested in. Note: Feel free to use this challenge as an opportunity to explore differentvisualization nodes! My Learning:Nodes: Cell Replacer, Multiple Selection Widget Node 26Node 27 Dashboard Read Input Data Finding #Respondentsacross each NewsType


