

Description: You are reorganizing a datawarehouse in your company, working witha filesystem that creates parent folders ifyou give it a reference for a child folder.For example, if you ask the filesystem tocreate “folder1/folder2” and neither folder1or folder2 exist, it will create both, withfolder2 inside folder1, without raising anerror. Given a list of folders, you want to Node 1Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 15Node 31Node 73 Table Reader Rule-basedRow Splitter Table Row toVariable Loop Start String Manipulation ConstantValue Column Loop End GroupBy Counter Generation ConstantValue Column Folder Structure Description: You are reorganizing a datawarehouse in your company, working witha filesystem that creates parent folders ifyou give it a reference for a child folder.For example, if you ask the filesystem tocreate “folder1/folder2” and neither folder1or folder2 exist, it will create both, withfolder2 inside folder1, without raising anerror. Given a list of folders, you want to Node 1Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 15Node 31Node 73Table Reader Rule-basedRow Splitter Table Row toVariable Loop Start String Manipulation ConstantValue Column Loop End GroupBy Counter Generation ConstantValue Column Folder Structure


