

read image metadataget id;filepathgs cloudurlADD KEYrequesttemplaterequest bodyTESTERNode 275Node 277Node 279Node 281Node 282Node 283Node 287Node 288Node 290add uri'sNode 292Node 293Node 294Node 295MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path String Manipulation POST Request ConstantValue Column JSON Transformer String to JSON Row Filter Table to PDF Column Filter Image Reader(Table) MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer ConstantValue Column JSON Path String to JSON JSON Transformer Date&Time Input Table Creator Joiner GroupBy JSON Writer Row Filter read image metadataget id;filepathgs cloudurlADD KEYrequesttemplaterequest bodyTESTERNode 275Node 277Node 279Node 281Node 282Node 283Node 287Node 288Node 290add uri'sNode 292Node 293Node 294Node 295MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Path String Manipulation POST Request ConstantValue Column JSON Transformer String to JSON Row Filter Table to PDF Column Filter Image Reader(Table) MongoDB Connector MongoDB Writer ConstantValue Column JSON Path String to JSON JSON Transformer Date&Time Input Table Creator Joiner GroupBy JSON Writer Row Filter


