
2024 AOC Day 1

inputSplitingthe inputsorting Leftsorting rightNew row idnew row idJoin the sort inputsDifferencePart-1No-of times left appered in rightfilter more than 1similarty scorePart-2Renamingthe columnsCSV Reader Cell Splitter Sorter Sorter RowID RowID Joiner Math Formula Math Formula GroupBy Row Filter Math Formula Math Formula Column Renamer inputSplitingthe inputsorting Leftsorting rightNew row idnew row idJoin the sort inputsDifferencePart-1No-of times left appered in rightfilter more than 1similarty scorePart-2Renamingthe columnsCSV Reader Cell Splitter Sorter Sorter RowID RowID Joiner Math Formula Math Formula GroupBy Row Filter Math Formula Math Formula Column Renamer


