

This directory contains 19 workflows.

Icon01 Data Access 

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L1-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Basics course

Icon2024 -Week 1 - Prep Air's Flow Card 

Problem. At Preppin' Data we use a number of (mock) companies to look at the challenges they have with their data. For January, we're going to focus on our […]

Icon2024- Week 7 - Valentine's Day 

URL: preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1 https://preppindata.blogspot.com/2024/02/2024-week-7-valentines-day.html?m=1

IconCorrecting_​Postal_​Addresses _​JKISeason3-10 

Solved by value lookup and String matcher

IconOlympic Trivia part2 

Description: The 2024 Summer Olympics start this week: are you ready for some on-theme trivia? Here are three questions to test your knowledge: 1. […]


1. Which country has the highest average number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze combined) per athlete, across all Summer Olympics?


3. Who holds the title of the oldest gold medalist of all time?