Model drift controller - Classification

This component is useful to track model performance of a classification model.

The component needs as input the true label column, the prediction made by the model and the estimated probability of the reference class to occur.
Finally, the component controls for predictors' shape and a measure of distrubutional divergence is computed. An high value for a significant number of predictors could cause a model drift, potentially leading to a downgrade of the predictive power.

The following columns must be correctly idetified in the configuration dialog:
-Target varable
-Target prediction
-Probability column
-List of predictors used


Columns on which compute the Kullback-Leibler Divergenge
The list of predictors used by the model to produce estimates.%%00010Continous predictors are binned into classes to make computation easier.
Probability column
Point out the probability column
Target prediction column
Point out the prediction column
Select the target variable and the corresponding target class
Select the target class value and the true values column

Input Ports

On this table, the reference model performance are computed (Should be the scored test from the traning workflow)
New stream of data already labeled and scored by the model

Output Ports

Global accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
Area Under the Curve and percentage change
Measure of the Kullback-Leiber divergence for each predictor


