

Will they blend? IBM Watson News - Google News via REST API
This workflow blends news headlines from the two different services accessing data through a REST service API.See the description for more information and the link to the blog post. Double click the componentto edit information.Insert:-your IBM API Key-your Google Cloud API Key-the desired search terms.You can concatenate moreterms with a + sign Insert instance Insert cx id query templatefor IBM WatsonXML outputsend requestto IBM WatsonDiscovery Newsreplace search topicquery templatefor Google NewsJSON outputreplace search topic +API Key for Google Newssend requestto GoogleCustomSearch APIsource = "IBM Watson"source = "Google News"all headlineswith duplicatesparse resultsin JSON formatcommon headlinesInsert Api Keysand search termsparse resultsin JSON format Table Creator GET Request String Manipulation Table Creator String Manipulation GET Request ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Concatenate JSON resultsparsing ReferenceRow Filter User Input JSON resultsparsing Merge Variables Merge Variables This workflow blends news headlines from the two different services accessing data through a REST service API.See the description for more information and the link to the blog post. Double click the componentto edit information.Insert:-your IBM API Key-your Google Cloud API Key-the desired search terms.You can concatenate moreterms with a + sign Insert instance Insert cx id query templatefor IBM WatsonXML outputsend requestto IBM WatsonDiscovery Newsreplace search topicquery templatefor Google NewsJSON outputreplace search topic +API Key for Google Newssend requestto GoogleCustomSearch APIsource = "IBM Watson"source = "Google News"all headlineswith duplicatesparse resultsin JSON formatcommon headlinesInsert Api Keysand search termsparse resultsin JSON formatTable Creator GET Request String Manipulation Table Creator String Manipulation GET Request ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Concatenate JSON resultsparsing ReferenceRow Filter User Input JSON resultsparsing Merge Variables Merge Variables


