

Exploring A Pizza Ontology with an OWL file
This workflow shows how an OWL file can be read in KNIME Analytics Platform using the Triple File Reader node. An interactive view has been created where the extracted data can be explored. Let's explore pizzashere!pizza.owlquery for all pizza types plus toppings + spicinessQuery for veggie toppings Interactive View Triple File Reader Memory Endpoint SPARQL Insert SPARQL Query SPARQL Query Joiner ConstantValue Column Column Filter Missing Value Column Filter RowID Column Resorter This workflow shows how an OWL file can be read in KNIME Analytics Platform using the Triple File Reader node. An interactive view has been created where the extracted data can be explored. Let's explore pizzashere!pizza.owlquery for all pizza types plus toppings + spicinessQuery for veggie toppingsInteractive View Triple File Reader Memory Endpoint SPARQL Insert SPARQL Query SPARQL Query Joiner ConstantValue Column Column Filter Missing Value Column Filter RowID Column Resorter


