
Change Workflow Owners

Change workflow ownersYou can use this workflow to connect to a KNIME Server, query the server repository, and retrieve a list of all workflows owned by the selected user. You can then re-assign ownership of the repository items to another user. The workflow can be run from any KNIME Analytics Platform that has access to a KNIME Server, or as a WebPortal application on a KNIME Server. Enter KNIME Servercredentials and addressMake the ChangesSelect the ownerwhose workflowsshould be re-assignedSelect user who shouldbe the new ownerWorkflow Repository POST Request Choose CurrentOwner Choose New Owner Get Users Manual Approve Change workflow ownersYou can use this workflow to connect to a KNIME Server, query the server repository, and retrieve a list of all workflows owned by the selected user. You can then re-assign ownership of the repository items to another user. The workflow can be run from any KNIME Analytics Platform that has access to a KNIME Server, or as a WebPortal application on a KNIME Server. Enter KNIME Servercredentials and addressMake the ChangesSelect the ownerwhose workflowsshould be re-assignedSelect user who shouldbe the new ownerWorkflow Repository POST Request Choose CurrentOwner Choose New Owner Get Users Manual Approve


