
HTTP Request Error Handler


Show Only First Error?
Check if you want to display only the first error message, or all that failed in a table view.
Columns to keep (Execute component once to get the full list)
Filter the output table to your needs, as usually the columns identifying any errors are not needed anymore.
Error Columns to display (Execute component once to get the full list)
Select the columns you want to display that describe the error. They will be visible to the User, so it makes sense to make them readable before the component.
Select Response Body column
Please select the column that corresponds to the response body from the API calls.
Output on failing call(s)
Decide what should be ouput if there was at least one failing call.
Define when a call fails.
Error title
Enter the title of the error message. This should make sense to the user.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


