
Gantt Chart


Legend Display
Specify whether you want to include a legend in the chart. If there is not a unique correspondence between the legend values and the HEX codes, the legend will be disabled even if it is activated.
Tooltip Columns Display
Specify the columns you wish to include in the tooltip display.
Color gradient (Boolean)
Choose a column containing a boolean value that defines which rows should have a blurred bar displayed in the Gantt chart.%%00010If you wish to have no blurred rectangles, simply add a boolean constant value of "false".%%00010%%00010%%00010%%00010%%00010
Start Time Column
Choose the column containing the start time for each process or activity in the Gantt chart. This information will establish the beginning point for each process's timeline for each item.
End Time Column
Choose the column containing the end time for each process or activity in the Gantt chart. This information will establish the completion point for each process's timeline for each item.
Item Identifier
Choose the column containing the identifier for each item in the Gantt chart. This identifier will be used to arrange the items distinctly along the Y-axis.
Legend Data Column
Choose the column containing the values or categories that you want to display in the legend or as details for each item in the tooltip. This column will provide the categorization or additional information for better understanding of the items in the Gantt chart.
Custom Color Column (HEX codes)
Choose the column containing the hexadecimal color codes to customize the colors of individual items in the Gantt chart. If an invalid HEX code is provided, a default blue color will be used for the respective item.
Maximum Legend Categories
Set the maximum number of categories to display in the legend.
Graph Title
Enter the title for your Gantt chart.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


