

Quality Control with HCS-Tools

The workflow shows some nodes from the HCS-Tools plugin for quality control measurements.

Quality Control with HCS-ToolsThe workflow shows some nodes from the HCS-Tools plugin for quality controlmeasurements.REQUIRES: Installation of HCS-Tools Plugin (part of the community contribution) Quality Control:- see help for detailed description of the themath applied- 'Group by' is usually the plate barcode- 'Select subset column' is usually the columncontaining some well annotation- select control wells (multiple use ctrl)Analyse several QC data statistics for severalcontrols...SEE ALSO: Multivariate Z-Primes Annotated data fromimage analsys withCellProfiler per platefor multiple controlsand multiple readouts per platefor (multiple) controlsand (multiple) readoutscombinemeta datacalculatewell meansplate,positive control per platefor multiple controlsand multiple readoutsplateplate,positive controlcheck values Table Reader Z-Primes (PC x NC) CV String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner SSMD (PC x NC) Joiner Sorter Quality Control with HCS-ToolsThe workflow shows some nodes from the HCS-Tools plugin for quality controlmeasurements.REQUIRES: Installation of HCS-Tools Plugin (part of the community contribution) Quality Control:- see help for detailed description of the themath applied- 'Group by' is usually the plate barcode- 'Select subset column' is usually the columncontaining some well annotation- select control wells (multiple use ctrl)Analyse several QC data statistics for severalcontrols...SEE ALSO: Multivariate Z-Primes Annotated data fromimage analsys withCellProfiler per platefor multiple controlsand multiple readouts per platefor (multiple) controlsand (multiple) readoutscombinemeta datacalculatewell meansplate,positive control per platefor multiple controlsand multiple readoutsplateplate,positive controlcheck values Table Reader Z-Primes (PC x NC) CV String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner SSMD (PC x NC) Joiner Sorter


