
Find code within numbers with or without loops

Finding the longest "starting" match for a list of reference numbers and codes

iterate the codesMatches to top portreferences for next loop to middle portcompare codewith "testReference"divide testReference by 10 andreturn integerto remove right most digit.Need to round (floor) the resultbecause java is quite poor for inrtoducingrounding errors, even though they areintegers!result(set max of 8 iterationsas this is the number ofdigits before there isnothing left to test)duplicate originalreference as testReferencetidy upKeep those that matchReference = Code*join everythingto everythingSort by desc length ofmatched codekeep firstrow foreach reference.This will keep the linewhich matched the longestcode for each referenceNote original RowIDput backoriginal rowidSee if reference startswith the code.If it does, the indexOfwill return 0Keep original RowIDNode 42put rowid back on matched rowsNode 50Table1Table2RecursiveLoop Start Joiner Math Formula Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Column Filter Sorter Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Sorter DuplicateRow Filter RowID RowID String Manipulation RowID Sorter RowID Column Filter Excel Reader Excel Reader iterate the codesMatches to top portreferences for next loop to middle portcompare codewith "testReference"divide testReference by 10 andreturn integerto remove right most digit.Need to round (floor) the resultbecause java is quite poor for inrtoducingrounding errors, even though they areintegers!result(set max of 8 iterationsas this is the number ofdigits before there isnothing left to test)duplicate originalreference as testReferencetidy upKeep those that matchReference = Code*join everythingto everythingSort by desc length ofmatched codekeep firstrow foreach reference.This will keep the linewhich matched the longestcode for each referenceNote original RowIDput backoriginal rowidSee if reference startswith the code.If it does, the indexOfwill return 0Keep original RowIDNode 42put rowid back on matched rowsNode 50Table1Table2RecursiveLoop Start Joiner Math Formula Recursive Loop End Rule Engine Column Filter Sorter Rule-basedRow Filter Cross Joiner Sorter DuplicateRow Filter RowID RowID String Manipulation RowID Sorter RowID Column Filter Excel Reader Excel Reader


