

Row 2Write one file to diskNode 118Node 447Node 935rename filesNode 1108Row 8Row 6Row 10Row 10Node 1119Node 1121Node 1122Node 1128Node 1129Node 1134Extract Filename String Manipulation CSV Writer URL to File Path Table Row to Variable(deprecated) List Files(deprecated) Java Snippet Transpose String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Transpose CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) Nominal ValueRow Splitter Loop End Column ListLoop Start Row 2Write one file to diskNode 118Node 447Node 935rename filesNode 1108Row 8Row 6Row 10Row 10Node 1119Node 1121Node 1122Node 1128Node 1129Node 1134Extract Filename String Manipulation CSV Writer URL to File Path Table Row to Variable(deprecated) List Files(deprecated) Java Snippet Transpose String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Transpose CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) Nominal ValueRow Splitter Loop End Column ListLoop Start


