
Contribution Metrics

Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 30Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39include CSB as clientNode 42Node 43Node 44Node 45Node 46create week/month aggs for clientsNode 50CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 53Node 542022Node 562023Node 58CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 133Node 134Node 135Node 137Node 138Node 140Node 142Node 1434wk moving sumNode 145Node 1468wk moving sum13wk moving sum26wk moving sum52wk moving sumNode 152Node 153Node 154Node 155Node 156CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 1584wk moving sumNode 160Node 161CSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 170Node 172Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 1794wk moving sumNode 181Node 182Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields String To Number GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename ConstantValue Column Column Rename ConstantValue Column Joiner Joiner GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename Column Rename Joiner Column Rename Joiner Java Snippet Java Snippet Row Filter Column Rename Row Filter Column Rename Joiner Excel Writer Column Resorter GroupBy Extract TableDimension Table Rowto Variable Rule EngineVariable Loop End End IF Moving Aggregation GroupBy Excel Writer Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Joiner GroupBy Moving Aggregation Sorter GroupBy Joiner Joiner Joiner Joiner Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Joiner Moving Average Moving Aggregation Group Loop Start queued IF Switch Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 30Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39include CSB as clientNode 42Node 43Node 44Node 45Node 46create week/month aggs for clientsNode 50CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 53Node 542022Node 562023Node 58CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 133Node 134Node 135Node 137Node 138Node 140Node 142Node 1434wk moving sumNode 145Node 1468wk moving sum13wk moving sum26wk moving sum52wk moving sumNode 152Node 153Node 154Node 155Node 156CSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 1584wk moving sumNode 160Node 161CSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsCSB as client AND CSB total columnsNode 170Node 172Node 174Node 175Node 176Node 177Node 178Node 1794wk moving sumNode 181Node 182Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields String To Number GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename ConstantValue Column Column Rename ConstantValue Column Joiner Joiner GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Column Rename Column Rename Joiner Column Rename Joiner Java Snippet Java Snippet Row Filter Column Rename Row Filter Column Rename Joiner Excel Writer Column Resorter GroupBy Extract TableDimension Table Rowto Variable Rule EngineVariable Loop End End IF Moving Aggregation GroupBy Excel Writer Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Moving Aggregation Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Joiner GroupBy Moving Aggregation Sorter GroupBy Joiner Joiner Joiner Joiner Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Joiner Moving Average Moving Aggregation Group Loop Start queued IF Switch


