
Fill in dates between

Sample DataSet up sample datadata types(make date columns)end date minusstart date(in days)Creates additional rowsforeach dayAdd 1 as we wantone row per dayincluding start and end dates... and make itan integerGet ranking of each"counter" valuegrouped by CODWe need a changingvalue to be countedby the rank nodeso we create one.It doesn't matter what the values areas long as they change per rowsubtract 1 from the ranking as we want thisto be an "offset" starting with zeroAdd rankingto the START_DATEto get our calendardateTidy upTidy upTidy upExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference One Row to Many Math Formula Rank Counter Generation Math Formula Date&Time Shift Column Rename Column Filter RowID Sample DataSet up sample datadata types(make date columns)end date minusstart date(in days)Creates additional rowsforeach dayAdd 1 as we wantone row per dayincluding start and end dates... and make itan integerGet ranking of each"counter" valuegrouped by CODWe need a changingvalue to be countedby the rank nodeso we create one.It doesn't matter what the values areas long as they change per rowsubtract 1 from the ranking as we want thisto be an "offset" starting with zeroAdd rankingto the START_DATEto get our calendardateTidy upTidy upTidy upExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference One Row to Many Math Formula Rank Counter Generation Math Formula Date&Time Shift Column Rename Column Filter RowID


