
Folder file creation

Folder creation Manipulations and file writing InputDefine baselocation and controlfolder names with the created array flow variablesCreate Lists with file names and empty extensionsEmpty col forextensionsOne folderper iterationpath controlledwith the Flow variableNames to be usedin Files folders"root directory"Converts toPathRetrieves thefile nameShould be adaptedto specific hostFile name appended to original tableLoop with thedesired manipulationsManipulation 1Manipulation 2 ... One file periterationPathFile name Excel Reader Create File/FolderVariables GroupBy ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Variable toTable Row Transpose Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable Loop End Create Folder GroupBy ConstantValue Column String to Path(Variable) Cell Splitter Path to String Column Filter Joiner Group Loop Start Rule Engine Math Formula Loop End Excel Writer Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation String to Path Folder creation Manipulations and file writing InputDefine baselocation and controlfolder names with the created array flow variablesCreate Lists with file names and empty extensionsEmpty col forextensionsOne folderper iterationpath controlledwith the Flow variableNames to be usedin Files folders"root directory"Converts toPathRetrieves thefile nameShould be adaptedto specific hostFile name appended to original tableLoop with thedesired manipulationsManipulation 1Manipulation 2 ... One file periterationPathFile name Excel Reader Create File/FolderVariables GroupBy ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Variable toTable Row Transpose Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable Loop End Create Folder GroupBy ConstantValue Column String to Path(Variable) Cell Splitter Path to String Column Filter Joiner Group Loop Start Rule Engine Math Formula Loop End Excel Writer Table Rowto Variable String Manipulation String to Path


