Node Connectivity

There are 3449 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Table.

String to Number Streamable

Converts strings in a column to numbers.

Double to Integer Streamable

Converts double in a column to integers.

String Cleaner Streamable

The String Cleaner provides tools for basic string cleaning

String Manipulation Streamable

Manipulates strings like search and replace, capitalize or remove leading and trailing white spaces.

String Manipulation (Multi Column) Streamable

Apply string transformations to several columns at once. The results can either replace the values in the respective source columns or be appended into a […]

String Replace (Dictionary) StreamableDeprecated

Replaces the values in a column by matching entries of a dictionary file.

String Replacer Streamable

Replaces strings if they match a certain pattern.

Domain Calculator 

Determines domain information of selected columns.

Edit Numeric Domain 

Sets the domain of selected numerical columns.

Edit Nominal Domain (Dictionary) 

Adds possible values to the domain.