Alignment-Based Replayer (Event Log)

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

This node implements the alignment-based replayer, which accepts an event log and a Petri net as input and outputs the optimal alignments of the traces after replaying the event log on the Petri net. Alignment-based replay is the state-of-the-art technique in conformance checking. Alignments provide a robust and detailed view on the deviations between the log and the model. Three types of moves are considered while constructing the alignments:

  • Sync Move:
    The classification of the current event corresponds to the firing transitions in Petri net. In this case, during replaying, both the trace and the process model move to next comparison.
  • Log Move:
    The classification of the current event doesn't have any corresponding firing transitions in Petri net. During replaying, the trace moves forward but the state of process model doesn't change.
  • Model Move:
    The firing transitions in Petri net have no corresponding event in the trace. During replaying, the model moves forwards but the state of the event log doesn't change.

For more information: link


Event classifer
The attribute to be used as an event classifier.
Strategy type
The replay strategy to be applied. The following options are available:
  • ILP Replayer: this repalyer calculates the optimal alignment based on ILP.
  • Non-ILP Replayer.
  • A*-ILP Based Manifest Replayer: this replayer is reserved for performance checking. It generates the Manifest to wrap the alignments.
Move on log cost
The unified cost for a log move in a non-negative integer. In default, it is 1.
Move on model cost
The unified cost for a model move in a non-negative integer. In default, it is 1.
Sync move cost
The unified cost for a sync move in a non-negative integer. In default, it is 0.
Move on log cost table
The cost table for log moves in non-negative integers.
The cost table provides the ability to modify cost for each move. The unified move cost can assign the same cost to all items in the table.
Move on model cost table
The cost table for model moves in non-negative integers.
Sync move cost table
The cost table for sync moves in non-negative integers.

Input Ports

an event log
a Petri net

Output Ports

replay result


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