
This node will perform spatial overlay between two geometries. Currently only supports input tables with uniform geometry types, i.e. containing only (Multi)Polygons, or only (Multi)Points, or a combination of (Multi)LineString and LinearRing shapes. Implements several methods that are all effectively subsets of the union.

The node is based on the GeoPandas project and uses the following related information and functions:


Left geometry column

Select the geometry column from the left (top) input table to join on.

Right geometry column

Select the geometry column from the right (bottom) input table to join on.

Overlay mode

Determines the overlay mode to use.

Available options:

  • Intersection: Returns a representation of the intersection of the two geometries.
  • Union: Returns a combination of the subset geometry in the left input table not in the right one, and the intersection geometry of the two input tables.
  • Identity: Retains all rows form the right and only matching rows from the left input tables.
  • Symmetric difference: Returns a combination of the subset geometry in the left input table not in the right one, and the subset geometry in the right one not in the left one.
  • Difference: Returns the subset geometry in the left input table not in the right one.
Return only geometries of the same geometry type

If selected, the node returns only geometries of the same geometry type as the geometry column from the left (top) input table, otherwise it returns all resulting geometries.

Input Ports


Left (top) table with geometry column to join on


Right (bottom) table with geometry column to join on

Output Ports


Overlayed geo table

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