
Spatial Manipulation

Nodes that merge, alter, and generate new spatial entities based on spatial relationships, distances, and geometric properties.

This category contains 14 nodes.


Generates a buffer based on a given distance.


This node will clip target geometries to the mask extent.

Create Grid 

Create Grid node.

Create H3 Grid 

Create H3 Grid node.


This node aggregate geometries based on group id (string column) and only keep the two column.

Euclidean Distance 

This node will calculate the Euclidean distance between each origin and destination pair.

Haversine Distance 

Calculates the Haversine Distance.

Multiple Ring Buffer 

This node generates a buffer for each of the given distances for the input geometric object.

Nearest Join 

Merges the two input tables based on their spatial relationship.


Performs spatial overlay between two geometries.