Multiple Ring Buffer

This node generates a buffer for each of the given distances for the input geometric object. If the input table contains multiple rows the node first computes the union of all geometries before computing the buffers from the union.

The node is based on the GeoPandas project and uses the following related information and functions:


Geometry column

Select the geometry column to use.

Buffer distances (comma separated)

Comma separated list of buffer distances in the selected distance unit.

Distance unit

Choose the distance unit to use.

Available options:

  • Use unit from input CRS: Do not re-project but use the unit of the input CRS.
  • Meter: Use the default projection with meter as unit. The projection is the UTM CRS for the UTM zone in which the centroid of the input geometries lies. This projection works well for most latitudes but may not work for some extreme northern locations like Svalbard or far northern Norway in which case you might want to use your own projection prior using this node.
  • Kilometer: Use the default projection with kilometer as unit. The projection is the UTM CRS for the UTM zone in which the centroid of the input geometries lies. This projection works well for most latitudes but may not work for some extreme northern locations like Svalbard or far northern Norway in which case you might want to use your own projection prior using this node.
  • Miles: Use the default projection with miles as unit. The projection is the UTM CRS for the UTM zone in which the centroid of the input geometries lies. This projection works well for most latitudes but may not work for some extreme northern locations like Svalbard or far northern Norway in which case you might want to use your own projection prior using this node.
  • Degree: Use the epsg:4326 with degree as unit.
Keep CRS from input table

If checked the CRS of the input table is retained even if a re-projection was necessary for the selected distance unit.

Input Ports


Table with geometry column to compute the buffers for.

Output Ports


Transformed table with multiple ring buffers.

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