Tableau Writer (TDE)

Writes the input table as Tableau Data Extract (TDE) file. This node uses the Tableau SDK library to write the file.

In order to use this library the user needs to perform the installation steps as described on the Tableau SDK website (see below). The KNIME update site provides (experimental) Tableau binary packages, which make the steps described below unnecessary.


Main Configuration

Output Location
Choose the file to write to.
Overwrite OK
If selected, the node will refuse to overwrite the file if it already exists (execution will fail)


  1. Download the Java version of the Tableau SDK for your system (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  2. Extract the archive to a location of your choice.
  3. Update environment variables such as PATH on your system (see here). If you are not familiar with setting variables on Windows, have a look at this page.
  4. On Windows systems:The library relies on the "Microsoft Visual Basic 2013 Redistributables" to be installed on the system (for download from

Input Ports

Data to be written as Tableau Data Extract (TDE). Only primitive types (string, numbers, dates) are used -- all remaining columns are ignored.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


This node has no views


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