HTTP(S) Connector

This node connects to a web server with HTTP(S). The resulting output port allows downstream nodes to read files from a webserver.

Note: This connector provides very limited functionality! It does not support listing, writing or deleting files/folders, nor is it possible to create folders on the webserver. The only operation supported is reading single files. Hence, with this file system it is not possible to interactively browse files, use Writer nodes (e.g. CSV Writer), or read multiple files with a Reader node.

Path syntax: Paths for HTTP(S) are specified with a UNIX-like syntax, and may be suffixed with a query ('?') and or fragment ('#). Non-alphanumeric characters in paths - such as whitespace (" ") - must be percent-encoded. For example /my%20folder/resource?myparam=myvalue#myfragment is an absolute path that consists of:

  1. A leading slash (/).
  2. The name of a folder (my folder with percent-encoding), followed by a slash.
  3. Followed by the name of a file/resource (resource).
  4. Followed by an (optional) query (?myparam=myvalue).
  5. Followed by an (optional) fragment (#myfragment).



Base URL that specifies the protocol (http or https), a host, an optional port as well as an optional path, which will be used as the working directory of the file system connection. Example: The working directory allows downstream nodes to access files using relative paths, i.e. paths that do not have a leading slash. If no path is specified in the URL, then the working directory is assumed to be /.
Method of authentication to use.
  • Basic: Authenticate with HTTP Basic authentication. Either enter a username and password, in which case the password will be persistently stored (in encrypted form) with the workflow. Or check Use credentials and a select a credentials flow variable to supply the username and password.
  • None: No authentication will be performed.


Connection timeout
Timeout in seconds to establish a connection or 0 for an infinite timeout.
Read timeout
Timeout in seconds to read a server response from a connection, or 0 for an infinite timeout.
Follow redirects
If checked, the node will follow redirects (HTTP status code 3xx).
Ignore hostname mismatches
If checked, the node trusts the server's SSL certificate even if it was generated for a different host.
Trust all certificates
If checked, the node trusts all certificates regardless of their origin or expiration date.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

HTTP(S) File System Connection.


This node has no views




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