CSV Array Reader

Reads a 'wide' CSV files into a KNIME vector format. In comparison to the standard CSV Reader or FileReader the output of this node will comprise a KNIME vector format, which can host many numeric values (tens of thousands). A typical file to read will have a format similar to

1.0, 0.0, 3.7, ... <many more values>, "class A"
3.0, 0.0, 1.0, ... <many more values>, "class B"

The numeric columns at the beginning of each line are then collected into a single collection column, which can be efficiently handled by the KNIME framework at the expense of not being usable by some of the preprocessing nodes.

Note: Most users will want to use the File Reader or CSV Reader unless they have wide data.


CSV Reader

Column Delimiter
The character string delimiting columns. Use '\t' for tab character.
Row Delimiter
The character string delimiting rows. Use '\n' for new line character.
Quote Char
The quote character.
Comment Char
A character indicating line comments.
Has Column Header
Select this box if the first row contains column name headers.
Has Row Header
Select this box if the first column contains row name headers (no duplicates allowed).
Support Short Lines
Select this box if some rows may be shorter than others (filled with missings).
Skip first lines
If enabled, the specified number of lines are skipped in the input file before the parsing starts.
Limit rows
If enabled, only the specified number of data rows are read. The column header row (if selected) is not taken into account.

CSV Reader Encoding

To read a csv file that contains characters in a different encoding, you can select the character set in this tab (UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.), or specify any other encoding supported by your Java VM. The default value uses the default encoding of the Java VM, which may depend on the locale or the Java property "file.encoding"

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

File being read with number and types of columns guessed automatically.


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