R Plot

This node creates plots using an R server (Rserve). The script for R can be selected from a plot template repository. RGG (R GUI Generator) is used to configure the R code using a graphical user interface in a way that the user does not need to know scripting in R. URL of the template file can be set in Knime->Preferences->Knime->R-Scripting. The plot window can be rescaled and replotted by double-clicking onto the plot.
The input data table is sent to R as a data frame named "kIn". The plot from R is sent back to Knime as the output.

Script Editor:
Copy, cut or paste and R code to the editor and/or select the columns from your data table. If a template is loaded used the GUI to adapt the script to the input data.

Select a plot template from the template repository (double-click or "Use this template") to use that script and see the GUI. The description shows you an example plot than can be done using this template. Then configure the GUI according to your input data.

Output Options:
Specify the image dimensions of the plot and the type and location where to save that image.

This node is using R as backend, make sure that Rserve is running somewhere, and Knime is accordingly configured (Knime->Preferences->Knime->R-Scripting). Scripting integration Wiki (R server)


Scipt Editor/Unlink from Template
Gives access to the R script after adaptation by the GUI.
Scipt Editor/Edit Template
Gives access to the RGG script.
Loads again the template file.
Generate a temporary webpage shown in a browser which gives an overview about all available templates.
Desciption shows some plot options and an example plot. Source displays the RGG script.
Templates/Use this template
Click to load the GUI (or double-click onto the template)
Output Options/File Type
Select .png or .jpeg
Output Options/Width, Height
Width and height of the plot in pixels, which is also used when the imges is saved as a file.
Output Options/Selected File
Set the file name to save the plot as an image.
The following placeholders are supported: $$DATE$$ for the current date, $$USER$$ for the username, $$WS$$ for the workspace directory, and FLOWVAR(variablename) to use flow variable values in the file name.

Input Ports

A table which should be visualized with R.

Output Ports

The generated R plot as image column


R plot
The generated R plot. Can be can be rescaled and replotted by double-clicking.




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