PMI Triangle Convex Hull Plot

This node generates a PMI plot with the points in convex hulls according to an optional grouping column

This node was developed by Vernalis Research. For feedback and more information, please contact


Hull Options

Hull nPMI1 (I1/I3, npr1) column
The column containing the normalised-PMI1 (nPMI1, npr1) values for the convex hull(s)
Hull nPMI2 (I2/I3, npr2) column
The column containing the normalised-PMI2 (nPMI2, npr2) values for the convex hull(s)
Grouping Column
The optional column containing the group IDs. If no column is selected, all points are included in a single hull
Show hull boundries
Should a solid bounding line be drawn round each hull
Hull Transparency
The transparency of the fill (0 = no fill; 255 = solid fill)
Use greyscale colour palette if no colour model available
If no colour model for the grouping column is available, then a rainbow colour palette is created. This option allows greyscale in place of colours
Show legend
Show the colour legend for the hulls
Show relative hull area on legend
Should the legend include the area relative to the total PMI triangle
Threshold for area to show hull points
Hulls smaller than this area will have their points plotted to enhance visibility

PMI Options

Vertex label colour
The colour of the vertex labels ('Rod', 'Disc', 'Sphere') on the PMI plot
Triangle bounds colour
The colour of the bounding triangle on the PMI Plot
Show full triangle
Should the full PMI triangle always be shown?

Scatter Options

nPMI1 (I1/I3, npr1) column
The column containing the normalised-PMI1 (nPMI1, npr1) values
nPMI2 (I2/I3, npr2) column
The column containing the normalised-PMI2 (nPMI2, npr2) values
Item size
The base size for the scatter plot symbols
Default Shape
The default scatter plot symbol shape
Show Size legend
Show a legend for the item size (only available if the scatter table has a size manager associated with it
Show Shape/Nominal Colours Legend
Show a legend for the scatter plot shapes and/or colours (Only available if the scatter table has either or both of a nominal colour manager or a shape manager associated with it)
Show Colour Gradient legend
Show a colour spectrum legend for the scatter plot colours (Only available if the scatter table has a continuous colour manager associated with it)

General Plot Options

Type of Image
The type of the created image can either be png or svg. PNGs are mostly smaller, SVGs provide details about plot and the possibility to be changed individually
Title of Graph
The title of the graph shown above the generated image. If the title is not activated, no title will be shown
Width of Image (in pixel)
The width of the generated image, not the plot width
Height of Image (in pixel)
The height of the generated image, not the plot height
Background Colour
The color of the background of the plot. Hence this color is used for the empty space in a plot
Plot background Alpha
The transparency of the plot background can be modified using an additional alpha value. An alpha value of 1 does not change the background transparency. Decreasing the alpha value will increase the plot background transparency
Scale Font Size
Factor changes the font sizes within the JFreeChart view. A value greater the 1 increases all view fonts, a value between 0 and 1 decrease them

Input Ports

A table of normalised PMI values with an optional 'grouping' column. Each group is plotted as a convex hull on the PMI Triangle
A table of normalised PMI values. Each row is plotted as a single 'scatter' point on the PMI Plot

Output Ports

The image of the plot (SVG or PNG)


PMI Plot
PMI Convex Hull plot with optional scatter overlay




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